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Trendy English Talks — неформальная встреча преподавателей английского, которая поможет поднять ваш профессиональный уровень, даст новые знания и возможность познакомиться с коллегами и обменяться опытом. Формат Trendy English Talks подразумевает несколько 20-ти минутных выступлений по заявленной теме. В перерывах будет возможность задать вопросы и обменяться контактной информацией.
Приглашаем вас 24 августа на конференцию, которая поможет поднять ваш профессиональный уровень, подарит вдохновение, даст новые знания и возможность познакомиться с коллегами и обменяться опытом!⠀
Наши спикеры:
Antoine Marcq has been teaching English and creating materials for 15 years. His students praise his results in building fluency, as well as his adaptability to their needs and goals. He now leads the Resource Education and the English Connection projects with Tom Wiseman. Their mission is to provide teachers with quality materials to make for more efficient lesson preparation for teachers and more effective lessons for students. Their aim is to provide teachers with the proper support they need and deserve to carry out their work in the best conditions. Support teachers! Students will greatly benefit from it!
Building students up to fluency
How can an introvert or a perfectionist develop fluency? How can a gamer or a YouTuber develop accuracy?
As teachers, we need to help our students develop both accuracy and fluency harmoniously together. That is how our students can be successful.
In this talk, I will present a simple and flexible approach to practice to solidly build our students up to fluency, and provide you with concrete activities you may easily use in class. This system is easily adaptable to any age, level, textbook or methodology.
Landysh Pavlova has been working with students for 17 years. Last 7 years she has been teaching kids (from 1 year old) and adults (offline and online). She is currently working at "ACE Language Academy" language center (Almetievsk, Tatarstan).
Teaching and motivating adult students
Ive been teaching very young learners and adults for the last 7 years.Why do I prefer working with these two categories of students most? The answer is in the runoff. Both kids and adults need the same things when learning any foreign language. These are emotions, different and successive activities, intensive classes, jokes, games and so on.
Im going to speak how we are able to use all of these techniques at our classes with groups of adult students to motivate them and stay them tuned during the whole lesson.
Natalia Vasiljeva has been teaching English for 12 years. She has worked at all levels: university, college, state schools and, currently, she is teaching young learners. She is the creator of “English classes with Natalia Vasiljeva” – a VK group, where she shares her ideas in teaching English. She is a picture books lover and creates materials based on picture books.
Teaching young learners through picture books
One of the most important things teachers are to decide before the school year is the choice of the course book. Will your students like the classes? Will they succeed? The right choice matters a lot. But have you ever tried not to take a course book as a manual, not to use tutorials that have been made specially for English learners, but read authentic books instead?
In this talk I will present my experience in making a year course for young learners based on authentic books. I will show you how to pick the right book and the ways to work with it on our journey to English fluency.
Надежда Степанова, Заслуженный работник народного образования Удмуртской республики. Региональный менеджер образовательной компании РЕЛОД г. Москва
Координатор программы «Международный бакалавриат» АМОУ Гуманитарный лицей, г. Ижевск
Reading circles
Что сделать, чтобы учащиеся сами заговорили друг с другом на занятии? Пересказ, диалог, ролевая игра… А, может, попробовать Blind dating? Reading circles? Toastmasters’ club? Debates? В этот раз мы с вами пристальнее посмотрим на технологию Reading circles.
Tatiana Zabolotskikh has been a teacher of English for 9 years. She has worked with students, adults, teenagers and young learners. Now she is teaching 5-11 grade schoolchildren, preparing some for the Russian State Exams. She is the leader of her own courses of English for schoolchildren. Tatiana is creating her assessment system that helps to avoid traditional school marks.
Avoiding traditional school marks in complementary education
One of the most frequently asked questions in my practice is “How does my kid do English?” It would not be a difficult question if we meant compulsory education, where the process of assessing pupils’ achievement is defined. But how to measure students’ achievement in complementary education avoiding traditional school marks which tend to cause students’ fear of fail and unwilling to learn? In my talk, I will present my system of assessment, which replaces traditional school marks and helps monitor students’ progress.
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