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Trendy English Talks — неформальная встреча преподавателей английского, которая поможет поднять ваш профессиональный уровень, даст новые знания и возможность познакомиться с коллегами и обменяться опытом. Формат Trendy English Talks подразумевает несколько 20-ти минутных выступлений по заявленной теме. В перерывах будет возможность задать вопросы и обменяться контактной информацией.
Приглашаем вас 28 сентября на конференцию, которая поможет поднять ваш профессиональный уровень, подарит вдохновение, даст новые знания и возможность познакомиться с коллегами и обменяться опытом!⠀
Наши спикеры:
1.Irina Buriak been an English teacher for 8 years. She has worked with primary children and teenagers. These days she has been teaching preschool children at "Lingua Rich" language school.
A play-based methodology for teaching preschoolers.
In order for a child to begin to speak and understand the language it is necessary to create a language environment. In our English classes this environment is easily created by means of games. As you know the game is the leading activity of preschool children.
2.Elmira Islamova - linguist, teacher, psychologist. Co-founder of ARDO English schools in Ufa. Head of the volunteer English training program for international events in The Bashkir republic. A frequent participant of European ESL conferences. Her main goal is to provide teachers with psychological tools and methods in teaching for creating the best environment that promotes effective learning.
The application of organizational psychology in education.
For many years teachers around the world have been turning to Educational psychology in order to find all-purpose tricks and methods that will build the best possible conditions for their teaching performance. Linking the study of psychology and education provides you with a unique set of skills spanning two dynamic disciplines. However, psychology has many other branches, which scientific heritage cannot be underestimated in applying it to education, while being widely used in other interconnected areas.
You can be 110 % ready with your lesson plan, games and worksheets, but it will take you nowhere if your class is tired and manifests a hostile attitude toward you, your subject or group mates. In this talk, I will present a vast variety of resources that can be successfully implemented in ESL teaching. These tools will master your classroom management, will increase motivation and interest, improve Ss performance, eliminate negative blocks, adapt new students and unite the class.
3. Svetlana Mizhevich has been a teacher of English for 5 years. She has worked with students, adults, teenagers and young learners. She works at “Lingua Rich” language center. She creates materials based on visual learning and it can be an extremely useful tool.
Importance of visual learning
The majority of students in this generation of technology and change are visual learners. They learn information best by seeing it in an example format, like a picture, map, graph, or video. These students are excellent at visualizing objects, plans and outcomes in a spatial sense, and enjoy drawing out their answers in different colors to explain their thought process.
4.Svetlana Ibragimova has 17 years of teaching experience including 8 years of working at the Faculty of Roman and Germanic Philology of Bashkir State University and at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities. Over the years shes worked with very young learners at the kindergarten as well as school children, teenagers, and adults. Also, since 2012 Svetlana has been arranging trips to London for teenagers and adults, taking care of visa, flight, accommodation, studies, excursions and entertainment.
Board games in teaching teens
Keeping teenagers motivated and engaged in all the classroom activities can be challenging. When youve got a classroom full of students who dont care so much for throwing a sticky ball at the white-board or hitting flash cards with inflatable hammers, you can find yourself struggling to keep them motivated. In this talk well consider ways of using gaming techniques as well transforming popular board games to supplement English lessons when teaching teens.
5. Maria Vavilova is a CELTA qualified teacher, teacher trainer, materials writer with more than 12 years experience in ELT teaching and management. Maria specializes in teaching English to the very young learners (2-7 y.o) using total immersion programs. She is a DOS on Discovery English Preschool (17 branches in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg).
Games and Activities For Teaching Early Literacy
What’s early literacy? Is there any point in starting that early? How to make the process fun and effective for the very little ones?
In my session we are going to talk about the benefits of teaching reading and writing to the very young learners (2-7 y.o.)We will also discuss two most common approaches to teaching early literacy as well as activities to use for using both approaches. Finally I will show examples of games to bring lots of joy and excitement to the process of reading and writing in your VYL classroom.
11.00-11.20 Aigul Okateva
11.20-11.40 Svetlana Ibragimova
11.40-12.00 Irina Buriak
12.05-12.25 break
12.30-13.00 Elmira Islamova
13.00-13.30 Maria Vavilova
13.30-14.00 break
14.00 15.30 Игротека
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