• 19 октября 2019, суббота
  • Тольятти, Юбилейная ул., 77 Образовательный центр "Школа"

Trendy English Talks Togliatti

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1944 дня назад
19 октября 2019 c 10:00 до 14:30
Юбилейная ул., 77 Образовательный центр "Школа"

Trendy English Talks — неформальная встреча преподавателей английского, которая поможет поднять ваш профессиональный уровень, даст новые знания и возможность познакомиться с коллегами и обменяться опытом. Формат Trendy English Talks подразумевает несколько 20-ти минутных выступлений по заявленной теме. В перерывах будет возможность задать вопросы и обменяться контактной информацией.

Приглашаем вас 19 октября на конференцию, которая поможет поднять ваш профессиональный уровень, подарит вдохновение, даст новые знания и возможность познакомиться с коллегами и обменяться опытом!⠀


Наши спикеры:

1. Polina Shilova is an EFL teacher with almost 10 years of experience. She holds several TKT certificates, including a CLIL certificate. Polina is the laureate of the contest “The Teacher of the Year – 2015” in Samara Region. She has vast experience in preparing students for KET and PET Cambridge exams. Polina is also the author of several articles in pedagogical periodicals.

The “Ван лав” phenomenon, or Why it is not a good idea to eavesdrop.

In this session I will share my observations on why teachers may feel “trapped” while teaching English to teenagers. We will work out how to avoid making snap judgements about our students and how to keep up the «teenage» pace in class. We will also learn how to stay acutely aware of the language opportunities that surround us in our everyday life and how to motivate our students to do the same.

2. Tatiana Komarova has been teaching English to students of different levels and age groups for more than 15 years. She has completed a number of courses and has experience in teacher-training. She has participated in several national projects in testing and assessment and has taken part in the development of teaching materials. Tatiana works for the Language Centre VIVA!

The importance of being soft. The role of teaching soft skills in TEFL.

The presentation deals with a new focus of teaching foreign languages. It will discuss how to satisfy the student’s needs in the changing realia. The speaker will address the importance and challenges of teaching soft skills. The audience will get a list of ideas how to develop their professional skills in order to stay competitive in the next decade.

3. Elena Smith is an experienced teacher, the head of International School of Samara, an IB educator and consultant. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience and is the winner of the American Councils Teachers Excellence Award. Her main professional interest lies in the sphere of integrative and inquiry based methodologies.

How Full is Your Resource Box? Ten activities to sparkle curiosity and creative thinking.

It is important to make learning exciting for students with interactive activities. Incorporating fun classroom games into your lesson plan offers a simple way to motivate your students, and encourage them to use their creativity and imagination.

These classroom games provide fun ways to engage your students in language learning and active exploration, inviting them to inquire, ask questions, find answers, build links across different subject areas and make their learning enjoyable.


4. Vera Bobkova is a practicing teacher (Golden Section, New School), access program coordinator (US Department of State), British Council teacher trainer, 2008-2016, Fulbright alumna with two years of experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language, USA and the UK, speaker at IATEFL, eMerging Forums, Trendy English conferences

Say Something! Teaching speaking. What to expect?

  • Some theory on teaching Speaking
  • A lot of actual speaking (semi-controlled and free practice)
  • Only student-tested tasks, the ones that worked. Levels A2-B2
  • Tips on where to find resources for Speaking lesson preparation
  • Materials and ideas that you can use in your next class

A lot of communication with wonderful colleagues


5. Ludmila Kozhevnikova, PhD, Associate Professor of Samara National Research University, Vice President of SETA, member of NATE and EALTA; CUP regional consultant. Her areas of academic expertise include testing and assessment, teacher training, multiple intelligences and learning styles, CLIL and critical thinking. She has over 60 publications, including a co-authored book “Exam Success” published by Cambridge University Press.

Creating an intellectually stimulating classroom for teens and tweens

Teaching in the 21st century is no longer about content delivery, testing and classroom management. We should also develop our students’ thinking skills, so that they are able to cope with the challenges of the Information Age and succeed in a world that is changing so fast. In this session, participants will be introduced to some activities that will stimulate their students to intellectual effort and make their learning more engaging and effective.


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9.30-10.00 Registration 
10.00-10.10 — Welcome Speech
10.10-10.30 — Polina Shilova
10.30-10.50 — Tatiana Konarova
10.50-11.10 — Elena Smith
11.10-11.40 -break
11.40-12.00 — Lyudmila A. Kozhevnikova
12.00-13.00- Vera Bobkova 
13.00-13.15- break
13.15-14.15 — Game Zone


Мероприятие бесплатное! При желании вы можете заказать сертификат участника (стоимость 350 руб) и получить его на месте. 

Количество мест ограничено возможностями помещения.


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