• 21 января 2018, воскресенье
  • Москва, улица Тверская, 22А

Trendy English Talks 5

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2300 дней назад
21 января 2018 c 12:00 до 15:00
улица Тверская, 22А

Trendy English проводит первое мероприятие в Новом Году – Trendy English Talks 5! 21.01 (воскресенье) с 12.00 до 15.00 традиционно собираемся, чтобы обсудить очень важную и насущную тему “Teaching adults”.

Мы обсудим разные подходы в обучении взрослой аудитории, которая часто бывает сложнее и капризнее Young learners.
Будем искать ответы на вопросы: 
Почему взрослые хотят учить английский, но быстро теряют весь свой энтузиазм? 
Задавать домашнее задание или нет? Ведь кроме английского есть работа и семья))) 
Какие плюшки можно предложить, чтобы занятия были максимально эффективными, интересными и с вопросом «А что мы будем делать на следующем занятии?»
  • Мария Северная "Challenges of teaching adult beginners" (школа Китайгородской)

​(Senior teacher, textbook writer, top teacher trainer of Science and Education Centre "Kitaygorodskaya School".)

Teaching adults can be a real challenge, in particular when the students are complete or false beginners. Unlike children, adult learners tend to be very self-conscious, they easily get frustrated over the mistakes they make which often leads to discouragement and loss of confidence. Just picture a high-flying CEO struggling for expressing a basic comment in English. 
How to help students not to lose face when they make their first steps in studying English? How to teach them in such a way that they feel progress from the very beginning? How to inspire our students by helping them find their hidden capacities? 
The method of Professor Galina Kitaygorodskaya “Activation of Individual and Group Potential” can offer you the answers to some of these questions. 
  • Елена Сарнавская "Danger zone. Controversial and sensitive topics at your lessons"

(​Elena Sarnavskaya is a teacher and a teacher trainer with 10 years of experience. Elena holds CELTA and DELTA certificates obtained in both Moscow and London. Currently, she is a Director of Studies in Langwe School chain, managing and facilitating the work of teachers in 5 schools. Elena delivers training sessions and seminars on a regular basis. She specializes on teaching teenagers and exam prep although she teaches a wide range of classes from VYL to adults.) 

EFL books are great and fun to use, however, they always avoid most controversial topics. Violence, gun control, death penalty…. Should we really ignore these issues or should we allow them in our classrooms? Should we also never teach swear words, even if our students ask us what they mean? And where is the line we should never cross? Sensitive topics and swear words are all part of our real life, and life is all about taking risks and sharing opinions. Why not get real at your lessons?

  • Мари Староверова "Teaching adult students online: from an individual class to a MOOC"

(​Marie Staroverova is an ELT teacher and e-learning methodologist. She specializes in launching large-scale online workshops and flash mobs for adult students of English using gamification.  Among her case studies, there is an online workshop with native speakers «Yes! I can!» (700 participants) as well as 4 online flash mobs «Down the Rabbit Hole» (3 900 participants). Marie is also a co-founder of an educational IT startup. She studies how online education is different from other forms of education and how to make e-learning experience most effective.)

With education going online, it’s interesting to explore different ways how we can teach languages online. What students of online courses are paying for and how to attract the potential audience? Is it possible to create an educational path for your students in online environment and how to make the learning experience most useful for your students? What are the most modern technology solutions and tools that can change the learning environment of your students for better? What are the peculiarities of helping your students achieve results in online courses? Marie will share cases, examples, and solutions from her personal teaching experience.

  • Соколова Татьяна  «Bringing Real Media into a Language Classroom. Teaching Adults with BBC»

(ведущий методист Language 360, PTE and LCCI examiner,CELTA Certificate)

One of the main differences between adult and teenage learners is that the former know exactly why they are learning English and what they need it for. That’s why they are more determined, demanding and choosy in terms of contents. To meet the adult learners’ needs and keep them motivated the contents should be relevant and meaningful for them. One way to do it is to bring real media into your classroom.

However, although media give learners access to authentic language it also represents a double challenge for language teachers.

In today’s talk we will discuss how encourage communication and authentic language use, utilise your students’ previous knowledge and, above all, maintain a fun atmosphere in the classroom with the help of BBC materials.


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