• 21 июля 2018, суббота
  • Онлайн

Вебинар Building Up Student Reflexes For Fluency

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2346 дней назад
21 июля 2018 c 11:00 до 12:30

Trendy English представляет вебинар Antoine Marcq, a Belgian EFL teacher and entrepreneur in Russia, "Building Up Student Reflexes For Fluency"

Fluency is what most of our students are after. And they want to feel progress from an early stage of their learning process. It is not an unreachable goal at all, even at lower levels. Fluency implies instincts, reflexes in a language. This is a key part of language learning. And teachers, such as yourself, are the best, most reliable  tool students have to achieve fluency. How can we build students up to fluency? By distracting their brains with fun and interesting activities whilst drilling in reflexes that they will later rely on. In his talk, Antoine will go over types of activities that teachers can use to build up fluency in their students. The work of the teacher is simpler. The results and satisfaction of the students are better.



Antoine Marcq is a Belgian EFL teacher and entrepreneur in Russia. Having taught EFL for 10 years and run his EFL school for 5, he has invaluable insight on the efficient communication within an EFL team, and with the students, necessary for a successful EFL school. His passion for teaching and helping students reach their goals has led him to launch a new project to help schools achieve success for the benefit of the team and the students.


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