• 27 августа 2018, понедельник
  • Москва, Пансионат «Лесной Городок» находится всего в 15 км. от МКАД по Минскому шоссе 143080, МО, Одинцовский р-н, д. Осоргино, ул. Махмуда Эсамбаева, пансионат «Лесной городок»

Trendy English Games

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2309 дней назад
с 10:00 27 августа до 14:30 28 августа 2018
Пансионат «Лесной Городок» находится всего в 15 км. от МКАД по Минскому шоссе 143080, МО, Одинцовский р-н, д. Осоргино, ул. Махмуда Эсамбаева, пансионат «Лесной городок»

Что такое Trendy English Games? - доклады - мастер-классы - игротеки - посиделки у костра - ночной квест в лесу - вы получите десятки готовых игровых решений - научитесь конструировать собственные игры - узнаете секреты крутых геймдизайнеров - пообщаетесь с коллегами-единомышленниками - отлично проведете время на свежем воздухе

20-min talk
Virtual reality and language learning
Elena Sarnavskaya, a teacher and a teacher trainer with 10 years of experience, a Director of Studies in Langwe School chain, managing and facilitating the work of teachers in 5 schools
Modern world: blended learning, online homework, e-tools, webinars. Nowadays you can teach a student who is a million miles away from you. You can check tests online. Your students can do exercises on their phones. What’s next? The whole world is gradually becoming paperless, wireless, limitless. The reality we once knew is changing and a new kind of reality is developing – virtual reality. Is it compatible with an English lesson? It must be. Because a language, just like reality, is everywhere you look.
Developing creativity through using everyday objects in games in English classes
Tatiana Ilinykh, an English teacher, the onwer of EnJoy English studio in Perm
I am going to present and give examples of how it’s possible to use everyday objects as learning tools in games and how to develop creativity which is considered to be one of the essential skills in the future. My presentaion is based on the materials of the article The Skills Needed to Survive the Robot Invasion of the Workplace on the webside Visual Capitalist, the book Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess and the teaching methodology workshop A Fresh Approach:Bringing Learning to Life by Lewis School of English, UK and my own teaching experience. The aim of my speech is to demonstrate how English teachers can involve their students in creative activities and games, to inspire using as many things and ideas from everyday life as possible beyond coursebooks and online learning materials.
Why don’t games work at the lesson sometimes, according Emotional Intelligence
Elena Denisova, an ELT teacher, has been studying the impact of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on teaching and learning for more than 5 years
Most of teachers prefer using games and new ways of interaction which improve the involvement and effectiveness of studying. But sometimes even well-prepared game can fail. Why does it happen? The speech will include what should a teacher take into consideration before bringing a game according to the research of Emotional Intelligence.

Lexical card games: how to make the real profit out of gambling using the DIY technique 
Natalia Poddubnaya, English teacher for over 18 years, author of a series of books for children entitled "Clumsy" used for developing reading skills
Playing cards is one of the best ways to learn or improve your vocabulary and grammar. Applying the aspect of gambling to the card games helps create a new-level competition atmosphere within your class. The variety of simple techniques used in the games will allow you to combine and mix them in order to come up with your own unique new ones
Games, both fun and educational, organized for the teacher
Tom Wiseman, an American EFL teacher and entrepreneur in Russia
As teachers, we need games that are both fun and educational: fun because we work in a competitive market and we need our students to want to study with us; educational because again we work in a competitive market and we need our students to reach their goals. Tom is going to introduce a simple classification system he preaches to his teachers. It has made the work of the teachers on his team so much simpler, both to have satisfied students and to help them achieve their goals.
Surprise Pedagogy Methods that Can Energize the Beginning of the School Year
Peter A.Stepichev, NATE executive director, MELTA vice-president, teacher trainer and author
The beginning of the academic year is a challenge for teachers as well as for students, who are reluctant to start studying after a long break. We will share a few tricks and tips to get your students involved and motivated. We will also look into the issue of effective memorizing of new students names and making strangers a group
Как стать квестером. Квесты на уроках и на каникулах
Анастасия Дощицина, game educator, организатор летнего образовательного лагеря, организатор семейных городских квестов и детских квестов в летних лагерях, event-геймификатор
Что такое квест и как создать образовательный квест? Какие современные инструменты есть для этого? Как за минимальное количество времени создать квест для 30-50 команд? Возможно ли совместное участие детей и взрослых? Можно ли создать квест на ограниченной территории, чтобы у всех команд был индивидуальный сценарий? Во время выступления мы ответим на все эти вопросы и расскажем о преимуществах использования интернет-платформы для создания образовательного квеста на русском и английском языках.
How to Gamify your Primary Classroom: Practical Ideas
Tatiana Sokolova is a Senior Teacher Trainer ELT, Language. Prosveshcheniye Ltd, CELTA, TKT, BEC Higher Certificates holder, PTE and LCCI Examiner, State Examinations Expert
It is commonly accepted that teaching primary students is based on three pillars: 1# quality materials and tools, 2# suitable for their age, quality student-centered environment, 3# engagement and fun So, teaching techniques must be age-appropriate, child-focused and play-based. How often do you play games in your classroom? What for? Do your students use mobile apps to learn words? Do you keep track of your students’ results after a game? Most teachers in primary rely on games because we know that kids learn through play and it is fun, isn’t it? What games do you play in the ELT classroom? Do you assign points / badges / rewards? Do your pupils have an avatar? Join us if you want to know how gamification can bring your lessons to life.
45 min open lesson which demonstrates the use of games and gamification
Grammar games for teenagers and teachers
Anastasia Beisova, English and German teacher, works for Relod company writing materials for text books
Board games for teenagers and teachers: Following Columbus and Master of Elements and a Teacher Trainer. The games make grammar practice fun. Master of Elements focuses on presentation and practice of preposition, level of students A2. Following Columbus is a fascinating voyage around the world on ships led by famous explorers. Players find out interesting facts about how lands were discovered and practise using past tenses. Level – B1, B1+ Teacher Trainer is a game for teachers! Learn or check 1) language 2) facts about English speaking countries 3) find and discuss solutions to the problems of student – parent – teacher communication. 
Games to build students up to fluency
Tom Wiseman, an American EFL teacher and entrepreneur in Russia
The goal of the vast majority of EFL students is to speak English fluently. I am going to present a series of games to steadily build up students to fluency at any age and from any level. Our goal here, as a teacher, is to distract the students from the learning process. These games force students unconsciously to build reflexes and automatisms that will make their speech more fluent. The result is that the new skill or target language becomes an active part of the English communication skills of the students.
Fun with Vocabulary
Katerina Stashevskaya
In this practical session the participants will take part in a lesson focused on vocabulary and filled with fun and effective lexical approach activities. The attendees will walk away with some new low -prep activities and ideas to maximize the effectiveness of their lessons.
Games presentation in open game zone
Grammar games for teenagers and teachers
Oksana Kirsanova, an EFL teacher and a freelance teacher. An avid game collector and a passionate game designer. Her primary focus is board games for 1-to-1 classes.
I would like to present two of my games: a card game "A Cup of Tea", which is aimed at practicing phrases of quantity such as a cup/glass/piece of something, and a game of dominoes "Where? Who? When?", which is in fact a set of two separate games targeting the notorious prepositions of time and place — in/at/on. Both games can be fun to play at A1-B1 levels by students ranging from primary schoolers to their grandparents. The purpose of this presentation is to offer teachers a tool to turn drilling these structures into a hilarious game. 
Is it possible to prepare teenagers for Cambridge exams using games?
Victoria Butenko, a sociologist, a former school owner, a founder of an English speaking club and a teacher
Nowadays most teenagers face the necessity of taking Cambridge exams such as KET, PET and FCE. An exam is for sure a stress for teenagers. The duty of their teachers is to make students feel comfortable and confident about their performance. The key to both success and self-confidence is practice. However, the other side of the medal is boredom. I would like to share the sets of games used by myself while working with different students of different levels. Some games that can help your students forget that they have a challenge to get a certain level of English and make them enjoy the process are: "Alias" (based on the vocabulary list for the exams), "Story cubes" (practicing writing tasks), "Truth or Dare" (speaking part) and others. I believe that the participants can broaden their opinions on the exam preparation based on games as using them makes teenagers feel less stressed, more confident and as a result more successful.
Games to build students up to fluency
Antoine Marcq, a Belgian EFL teacher and entrepreneur in Russia.
I am going to present games to build students up to fluency. These games were developed following the recent research in cognitive psychology. They are designed to build reflexes and automatisms in the student at any age or level. The goal is for students to truly master the new skill or target language they’ve been taught. The skill or target language becomes a reflex and students therefore develop their fluency from the ground up.
Games by English Props
Katerina Stashevskaya
You will have an opportunity to test games by English Props – super useful printable games for young learners. Food, house, irregular verbs, alphabet, body parts, time and many more — everything you need to engage your students and make learning fun and joyful experience!
Grammar Fun with Pedagogy of Surprise
Peter A.Stepichev, NATE executive director, MELTA vice-president, teacher trainer and author
"Grammar Fun with Pedagogy of Surprise": two hours with games and prizes
Board games for learning English
Olga Vaganova, has a rich experience of working with different age and mixed ability groups, develops great communicative games for EL learners, which have gained popularity and recognition among ELT community of Russia
During my presentation I’ll tell about some board games to enhance learning process. Thus, teachers will be able to make a concious choice while selecting board games for their lessons.
27 августа (limited admission)
Magic at the English Lesson: Tricks and Activities for a Teacher-Magician
Peter A.Stepichev, NATE executive director, MELTA vice-president, teacher trainer and author
We will learn card tricks and fortune-telling based on Vocabulary Cards, watch David Copperfield and learn from him to make our listening tasks more motivating, we will also get acquainted with math tricks and apply the at the lesson
27 августа (limited admission)
How to make students work, using Emotional Intelligence
Elena Denisovaб an ELT teacher, has been studying the impact of Emotional Intelligence on teaching and learning for more than 5 years
All teachers are faced with exhausted or aggressive students. In these cases it can be a problem to organize the lesson within the plan and to make it effective. What are the ways out of such situations? At the workshop we will discuss the solutions according to Emotional Intelligence and working experience. We will look at examples how emotional responses lead to memorable learning and how teachers can ’destroy’ a lesson or just ’make it work’.
28 августа (free admission)
Мастер-класс по созданию квестов
Анастасия Дощицина, game educator, организатор летнего образовательного лагеря, организатор семейных городских квестов и детских квестов в летних лагерях, event-геймификатор
Мастер-класс по созданию квестов – это возможность через практику освоить новый инструмент, который поможет вам удивлять и увлекать студентов, одновременно обучая и мотивируя через игру. На мастер-классе вы — узнаете, как быстро подготовить развлекательное или образовательное мероприятие для детей, подростков или взрослых; — разберетесь в технологии создания различных видов квестов, — получите рабочий алгоритм и инструментарий для проведения мероприятий, — узнаете основные инструменты квестера, а также виды заданий и загадок на русском и английском языках. Во время мастер-класса мы вместе придумаем и создадим квест на интернет-платформе, а затем вы сможете провести его, затратив при этом минимум времени на подготовку и проведение


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