• 13 октября 2018, суббота
  • Новосибирск, Новосибирск, Красина, 54, оф.703

Teaching Young Learners, October 13-14, 2018, Novosibirsk

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2262 дня назад
с 11:00 13 октября до 13:00 14 октября 2018
Новосибирск, Красина, 54, оф.703

Внимание, уважаемые преподаватели английского языка! Если вы работаете с детьми дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста, приглашаем вас на семинар Маши Андриевич в Новосибирске. За время семинара мы рассмотрим вопросы обучения детей грамматике, пополнения словарного запаса, а также работу с книгами и историями.


Несколько слов о ведущей тренинга, Маше Андриевич: 


Masha Andrievichis a teacher and teacher trainer based in Moscow. She works at New School where she is in charge of the Primary English department and also a teacher. Her professional interests are Young (and Very Young) Learners, assessment, materials development, CPD and local professional community. Masha holds a CPE and also a Delta from IH Barcelona. She has also enjoyed a variety of courses such as IH Certificate in Teaching Young Learners, NILE Testing and Assessment and some more. She blogs at https://theclass.blog and is the administrator of Moscow ELT Meet Up group on Facebook.


Программа семинара



Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners


This hour-and-a-half workshop is dedicated to teaching new language in three key stages. We will look at presenting new language and talk about context, practice setting in and then will look into various practice activities. We will round up with 20 favourite tasks for vocabulary practice suitable for YL.


Teaching Grammar to Young Learners


In this workshop we will be looking at presenting grammar structures in an engaging and clear way, supporting learners’ interest and curiosity, and then exploiting it in further controlled (and freer) activities. We will put together a comprehensive list of ideas for context introduction and then look in detail at possible practice activities, categorise them and, of course, try some out.


Speaking with Role-plays for Young Learners


This workshop is about role-plays and other speaking activities to use with YL. We will look at creating engaging and productive role-plays for children, using crafts and realia for speaking tasks, and will also explore drama in the language classroom. We will try out several activities and look into resources for drama and role-plays with children.




Storytelling and Picturebooks


In this workshop we will look at using story boards with younger children to stimulate both memory and oral production. We will then explore picturebooks, talk about choosing the right one for your group and practice with a bunch of fun stories. We will also look at some activities to go with books, and at a variety of resources, too.


All workshops are going to be practical and allow for hands-on experience. The workshops’ working language is English. All handouts, materials and presentations will be available to participants online.


Приглашаем вас посетить один или оба дня семинара.

Стоимость участия: 

Оба дня(сб+вс) 4000 руб

Только суббота: 3000 руб

Только воскресенье: 2000 руб

Тайминг мероприятия:


11:00 – 12:30 первая сессия.

12.30 –  13.00 перерыв

13:00 — 14:30 вторая сессия

14:30 –  16:00 обед 

16:00 – 17:30 третья сессия.


11:00 до 12:30 сессия

12:30 – 12:50 — QandA.



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