• 20 января 2019, воскресенье
  • Новосибирск, ул. Советская, 6

Методическая встреча Trendy Engish Talks Siberia

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2162 дня назад
20 января 2019, начало в 14:00
ул. Советская, 6

Приглашаем преподавателей английского языка и руководителей школ иностранных языков на методическую встречу. Обсудим вопросы, касающиеся развития навыка говорения на английском языке: Teaching Speaking. Приходите, будет интересно!


Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем Вас посетить мероприятие, которое поможет поднять Ваш профессиональный уровень, даст новые знания, а также возможность познакомиться с коллегами и обменяться опытом. 

Тема нашей встречи — Teaching Speaking. Ждём Вас в воскресенье, 20 января, с 14:00 до 17:00 в Областной библиотеке, на Советской, 6.

Для участия зарегистрируйтесь, пожалуйста! Чтобы мы Вас ждали)

Программа встречи:

Ivanova Natalia

Director of studies and teacher trainer at language school Inotext. More than 15 years of teaching experience. TKT certified. Speaker at different conferences, e.g. Trendy English Siberia.

How to teach fluency.

Sometimes our students hesitate while speaking. Or they speak slowly. Or even don’t have any ideas what to say. Some useful techniques can help your students become fluent users of English.

Iuliia Kuzminykh

A teacher of English for pre-teens, teens and adults, as well functioning as a teacher trainer and methodologist in "Journey School",Novosibirsk.

Iuliia is eager to present the technology of planning and leading a Speaking Club by a non-native speaker. Within the time allowed for the speaker,the conference peers will be able to tell the difference between a Speaking Club and a Speaking Skills lesson and meanwhile highlight the role of the teacher during the events mentioned previously. Additionally,Iuliia will demonstrate by some examples that content of a speaking club is as important as its title.

Yana Baturina

A a teacher and a methodologist. Has been working as an English teacher for 12 years. Has experience of working as a director of studies in a chain of schools. Holds TKT, PTE C2, CELTA certificates. Is a Fabula games representative in Novosibirsk.

Motivating students to speak more at the lesson.

Olga Chekchurina

Olga is the deputy director of interregional INJAZ group.

Olga has been working as a teacher at different language schools in Novosibirsk, and as invited lecturer for the State Teacher Training University of Novosibirsk (Foreign Language Department) and SIMOR (Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies). Olga’s special interests as a teacher are Debates in English, Literature Speaking Clubs and specially tailored methodology courses.

Rhetorical competence: a trendy buzzword or a teaching target?

The speaker will share her teaching experience of developing discussion skills with teenagers and university students specializing in regional studies and international relations.We will look at ’amoeba’ words, we will activate speaking through using monolingual dictionaries and discover the hidden potential of some magic objects: an hourglass, a set of blue and white glass marbles and a magical snake which reminds us of something that even members of parliament sometimes tend to forget! For those who is interested in developing discussion skills we will offer more information about rhetorical workshops and seminars.

И — это ещё не всё! У нас есть один секретный спикер, который точно не оставит вас равнодушными)) Спешите регистрироваться! Количество мест ограничено! 






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