• 19 января 2019, суббота
  • Пермь, г.Пермь ул. Ленина, 70 Библиотека им. А.М. Горького Интерактивный зал

Trendy English Talks Perm

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2255 дней назад
19 января 2019 c 12:00 до 15:00
г.Пермь ул. Ленина, 70 Библиотека им. А.М. Горького Интерактивный зал

Trendy English Talks — неформальная встреча преподавателей английского, которая поможет поднять ваш профессиональный уровень, даст новые знания и возможность познакомиться с коллегами и обменяться опытом.

Trendy English Talks                         "ELT trends 2018"

12.00-12.10 Welcome Word

12.10-12.55 Elena Sarnavskaya“Virtual reality and language learning”  

Modern world: blended learning, online homework, e-tools, webinars. Nowadays you can teach a student who is a million miles away from you. You can check tests online. Your students can do exercises on their phones. What’s next? The whole world is gradually becoming paperless, wireless, limitless. The reality we once knew is changing and a new kind of reality is developing – virtual reality. Is it compatible with an English lesson? It must be. Because a language, just like reality, is everywhere you look. 


Elena Sarnavskaya is a teacher and a teacher trainer with 10+ years of experience. Elena is a CELTA and DELTA holder, a TEDx speaker and a school owner from Podolsk. Elena delivers training sessions, seminars and talks on a regular basis. Her primary areas of interest are teaching with technology, game design, virtual reality and authentic materials.

13.00-13.40 Margarita Isanova “Teaching lexically”

Without grammar you can say little, without lexis you can say nothing. We all know what lexis is, we just give it different names: collocations, words with grammar, chunks, patterns, phrases, vocabulary. It is a necessary part of any course, so lexical approach is a very intuitive and natural way to convey new lexis to students. What kind of lexis do we need to teach and how to do it effectively? We have the answers to these questions. 


Margarita Isanova is a teacher and a teacher trainer in Globus language center. Margarita has over 7 years of experience in teaching adults and preparing for international exams. She enjoys teaching English for special purposes and her main areas of interest are motivation for adults and ways of professional development.

13.40-14.00 Coffee break

14.00-14.20 Anastasiya Kovaleva "How to survive being a teacher"

14.25- 14.45 Anna Svintsova “Using social networks in the lessons”

Do you have an account on FB/ VK / Instagram? The answer is definitely “yes”! So do your students! Then why not to use these tools in the lessons: both you and your students will love the idea. There are so many activities that could be held using Instagram stories and posts, for example. They make our lessons real and finally learners understand why and how they can use the language IRL.

Anna Svintsova is a teacher with 10+ years of experience. She’s taught all the ages and levels. And had been a teacher trainer for almost 5 years before her maternity leave. Now she’s blogging on Instagram and running online methodological courses for English teachers. Her primary interests are teaching adults, teaching using social media and helping teachers in their CPD.

14.45- 15.55 Closing Ceremony

15:00-16:00 Бонусная сессия для всех, кому интересно использование игр на уроках английского: игротека от StudyCraft (studycraft.org).

Преподаватель и геймдизайнер Ирина Мудрицына представит карточные игры для отработки английской грамматики за 15 минут урока. 



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