• 5 июня 2019, среда
  • Онлайн

Вебинар Alex Warren в рамках Trendy English Online Summit

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1781 день назад
5 июня 2019 c 17:00 до 18:00

5 июня в 17:00 мск смотрите бесплатный вебинар Alex Warren на тему "Stop & Think, Developing Critical Thinking in the English Language Classroom" Alex is a DELTA trained teacher trainer with over 15 years’ experience of working in ELT as a teacher, academic director and teacher trainer.

Alex Warren

In a world that is growing bigger and smaller at the same time through the use of the Internet, social media, travelling and worldwide news coverage, it is becoming ever more important for students to develop the skills that will help them not only survive this changing world, but to succeed in it. They need to able to form their own opinions on important topics, based on the right information. And there is a need to have a global perspective on everything, a need to develop a critical approach to the global issues that our world currently has to deal with. Referencing National Geographic Learning’s Life series, in this practical session we’ll look at what exactly we mean by critical thinking, why we should be teaching it in the ELT classroom and how exactly we can help our learners develop the critical thinking skills they need for a successful future.


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Trendy English Online Summit — это уникальный онлайн проект от сообщества Trendy English для преподавателей английского языка. Это серия из 12 вебинаров, объединённых общей темой. В этом году тема саммита — «Teaching English in non-English speaking countries»

Расписание вебинаров проекта на сайте trendyenglish.ru/summit


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